Admission and Registration:

The administration was established in 1997 in compliance with an administrative resolution passed by the University Vice Chancellor, to be responsible for students’ admission, registration and transfer. The administration has a council headed by the University Vice Chancellor and the membership of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Principal, University Deans and the Academic Secretary as its convener.

The principal function of this administration is to offer admission to students of the highest intellectual potential, irrespective of social, racial, religious or financial considerations.

The administration implements the student’ admission policies and procedures according the University Supreme Admission & Registration Committee regulations. It revises and updates the bye-Laws concerning the students’ admission, registration, transfer and other related issues and recommends that to the Administration Council. The Administration keeps good records on the university students’ registration, transfer and other related issue and produces the students’ annual admission guides.

The administration Departments:

  • The Admission & Transfer Department
  • The Registration Department
  • The Statistics & Information Department

For further knowledge on the admission and registration procedures and regulations at University of Khartoum, please visit the link Admission and Registration on the top menu.

Examinations and Awards:
The Academic Affairs Secretariat supervises and ensures that, all the university's examinations are planned, implemented and conducted in accordance with the highest national and international standards.  It approves the appointment of external & internal examiners nominated by the various departments and faculties.  The secretariat discusses the examinations results and the examiners recommendations and takes measures and actions  to improve the teaching & learning processes. It then prepares the examinations results and the academic achievement awards & prizes to be endorsed by the University Senate.

The University Academic Achievements Awards & Prizes:

    The University awards students with the best academic performance in different disciplines and programmes annually as recommended by faculty boards.


External / Co-Examiner Detailed Report :

University Senate Affairs:

The University Senate is the highest academic authority in the university. It issues and endorses all academic affairs. The University Senate provides an opportunity for the academic staff, senior administrators and student representatives to participate in shared governance.

  • The Senate of the University is composed of:
  • The Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson).
  • The Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
  • The Academic Secretary (Convener).
  • The Principal.
  • The Dean of Students.
  • The University Librarian.
  • Deans and Deputy Deans
  • Directors of Schools, Institutes and Centers.
  • Heads of Departments.
  • University Professors.
  • Two students representing the Students' Union.

Authorities and responsibilities of the Senate

  1. Issues and regulates the academic requirements for students' admission to the University courses and programs and requirements for the award of certificates and prizes.
  2. Responsible for the general regulation of study courses and university examinations.
  3. Approves extra-mural studies courses.
  4. Confers and awards degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions to persons who pursued a study course that has been approved by the Senate in the Regulations.
  5. Confers honorary degrees and other distinctions to distinguished persons deemed worthy thereof in accordance with the Regulations.
  6. Reports on any matter referred to it by the University Council and makes appropriate recommendations on all matters relating to the University.

The Senate has the authority to:

  • Create and appoint committees to deal with matters relevant to its functions and powers.
  • Provide for the creation and appointment of Boards of Studies to assist the Senate and the Faculty Boards in the handling of academic matters.
  • Deprive any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or who, in its opinion, has been guilty of dishonorable or scandalous conduct, of any degree or other distinction conferred by it and also of all privileges enjoyed in virtue of such degree or other distinctions provided that:
  1. Every person so deprived shall have the right to appeal to the Council against the decision of the Senate, and the council's decision thereafter shall be final.
  2. The Senate shall have power to restore any degree or other distinctions or any privilege of which the person may have been deprived.

The Senate sets the regulations for conduct of its own business and for the proper discharge of the functions and powers conferred upon it by or under the Act of the University.

Such regulations come into force when signed by the Vice-Chancellor unless a later date has been prescribed.

The Senate determines the time and the place that it will meet. The Vice-Chancellor, however, has the power to call a meeting at any time.

In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, his Deputy presides over the meeting of the Senate. In case of the absence of both the Vice-Chancellor and his Deputy, the Senate elects one of its attending members to preside over the meeting.

The Senate has the power to invite any person to attend any meeting (or part of a meeting) provided that the person has no power to vote.

Committees of Senate

The Senate may, from time to time, by election from amongst its members, constitute committees and entrust to such committees any of its functions.

The current Committees Senate are:
Admission and Registration Committee

Time for Change English Language Conference

The conference was held at El Shargha Hall, University of Khartoum in the period 1-3 March 2010. It was organized by the University of Khartoum and the British Council in collaboration with other Sudanese universities aiming at improving the standard of English language among the university students and staff in Sudan and the region.

The Conference Recommendations

These recommendations are based on ideas suggested in the presentations delivered at the conference and resulting discussions among conference delegates and have been drafted by the Conference Committee which consists of representatives from Ahfad University, Al-Neelain University, the British Council, Omdurman Islamic University, the Open University of Sudan and the University of Khartoum.

  1. Higher Educational ELT Committee

The establishment of a committee based in the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) to review English language curriculums currently in place at universities and to develop proposals for a standard tertiary level curriculum. This review would examine issues such as: the number of contact hours, class sizes, the format and goals of syllabi and curriculum goals, teaching materials used and how students are tested and assessed; with priority given to class sizes and curriculum. The Common European Framework (CEF) for Language Learning to be used as a benchmark and examples of good practice from elsewhere, particularly in Africa and the Middle East, to be drawn upon. The Committee would aim to draft a clear set of guidelines by 31/10/10 with the aim of putting these into practice the following academic year.

The committee should be limited in size and comprise of senior policy-makers and ELT professionals from MoHE and from Sudan's main universities, including, but not necessarily limited to, Ahfad University, Al-Neelain University, Omdurman Islamic University, the University of Juba and the University of Khartoum. Both the MoHE and the universities will also be required to provide a commitment to implementing the committee's guidelines inline with the specified time-frame.

  1. Course-books and teaching materials

An agreement made between MoHE and Sudanese Customs Authority for all ELT books and materials ordered by the ministry and / or universities to be imported free from import duties / taxes or at substantially reduced rates. The possibility of agreements between ELT publishers and MoHE and / or universities for reduced bulk book orders to be explored by the committee.

  1. Teacher Training

The current provision of in-service training for university English language teachers to be reviewed and a more substantive programme of practical training established. This will involve the re-establishment of a national centre for continued pedagogical development for language teachers and for all teachers of English to attend a mandatory number of training courses on an annual or bi-annual basis. The relevant centre will be responsible for developing appropriately structured courses in-service courses along with a mentoring scheme for newly qualified teachers.

  1. Cooperation with Ministry of General Education (MoGE)

Closer contact and cooperation between MoHE / universities and MoGE to be developed particularly with the aim of certain universities providing both English language training and professional development training services to teachers of English from basic and secondary schools.

  1. Technology

All teachers to receive basic computer related training and all relevant ICT resources at universities to be made available to teachers for usein their classes. ICT resources, particularly Internet and CALL (computer assisted language learning) programs, made available to students on a sustainable basis (such as via low cost Internet cafes).

  1. Language Testing

Basic training in testing and assessment made available to teachers in order to raise their awareness of the relevant issues. Testing units / teams established in universities to administer and develop tests based on preset and internationally recognised standards.

  1. Private Sector

The current ELT-related contact between the tertiary sector and private sector companies to be further developed, particularly with a view to companies providing input into curriculum and materials development, and providing funding and sponsorship opportunities.

  1. Teachers Associations / ELT activities

MoHE and universities to provide greater support to teacher's associations, including publicising the associations' activity to their ELT staff and providing venues for association activity. MoHE / universities to organise conferences and workshops with a view to following on from the recent ones organised by Al-Neelain University, ASTEL and the British Council-University of Khartoum.

Identity Card Unit

Identity card Unit is responsible of the following tasks:

  • Issuing the University Identification Card according to the Admission and Registration directing .
  • Any other tasks been assigned by the academic affairs secretariat .

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